Meryl F Larkin Australian Marine Sciences Association 2022

Meryl F Larkin

Meryl was instantly addicted to exploring the underwater world after completing her Open Water course just 10 years ago, in Port Stephens NSW. She has since completed her Masters in Marine Science, and is now in the 3rd year of her PhD. During that time, she has also become a volunteer for Reef Life Survey, and has partaken in a range of biodiversity surveys in Australian waters, including five expeditions to the GBR and The Coral Sea. The vast majority of her weekends over the past 10 years have been spent exploring the reefs in her own backyard in Port Stephens. She met most of her supervisory team whilst diving there, whom ultimately coaxed her back into the research arena, resulting in her PhD project; working to help prevent the extinction of a unique species she has always loved seeing in local reefs – the Endangered purple cauliflower soft coral Dendronephthya australis.

Abstracts this author is presenting: