Poster Australian Marine Sciences Association 2022

Using technology to share science – Cleveland Bay Storymaps partnership (#479)

Alana O'Brien 1
  1. Port of Townsville Limited, South Townsville, QUEENSLAND, Australia

One of the biggest challengers of coastal management for Ports in Australia is science communication and engagement.  Ports undertake significant research and monitoring programs to ensure we can operate sustainably whilst minimising impacts to our surrounding environments.

Often this research and monitoring is directed to regulators for management and compliance tools; and limited engagement with the wider community/public is undertaken once the programs are completed.

As a member of the Dry Tropics Partnership for Healthy Waters. The Port of Townsville is helping the Partnership develop a series of StoryMaps using ArcGIS to articulate how unique and ecologically significant Cleveland Bay is.  These stories will use the long history of research and knowledge from independent research institutions, consultants, NGO’s, community groups, traditional owners, and the Port of Townsville, to bring together the wealth of knowledge on a range of marine topics that are important to the Townsville community; and help lead to effective and inclusive management of critical marine habitats.

This Poster will detail the StoryMaps developed to date and focus on the Seagrass Story, developed from a partnership between the Port of Townsville and JCU TropWater which has monitored Seagrass meadows in Cleveland Bay for the past 15 years