Standard Presentation (15 mins) Australian Marine Sciences Association 2022

Indigenous engagement in Reef Restoration and Adaptation research. (#278)

Rafe Pfitzner Milika 1 , Manuwuri T Forester 1 , Bob Muir 1 , Jordan Ivey 1 , Carl Grant 1 , Libby Evans-Illidge 1
  1. Indigenous Partnerships, Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Australia

Last year, Traditional Owners of the Great Barrier Reef issued a compelling statement ‘heart of the reef – a call for healing’ [1].  It  powerfully articulates the critical importance of the reef  in every aspect of their wellbeing, connection to Country, identity and future.    It is no surprise therefore, that Traditional Owners have a  critical and inherent interest in the Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program’s (RRAP) long-term R&D agenda to develop, test and risk-assess novel interventions to help the reef adapt and survive climate change.

This presentation will outline the Indigenous Engagement Framework being implemented across RRAP.  We will explain the policy and procedures being used to ensure that Traditional Owners are fully informed about research proposed and undertaken on their sea Country, positioned as decision makers about what work occurs there, and have the opportunity for influence, participation, training and capacity building within the program.  We will present an honest overview of the approach including successes, challenges, and evolving solutions. 

  1. GBR Traditional Owners, 2021. “Heart of the Reef - a call for healing,” Great Barrier Reef Foundation. [Online]. Available:,us%2C%20and%20keeps%20us%20healthy.