Jessica A Bolin Australian Marine Sciences Association 2022

Jessica A Bolin

Current: - PhD Candidate at UniSC and CSIRO Environment - Thesis: Forecasting “jellymeat” (post-mortem myoliquefaction) in broadbill swordfish harvested off Eastern Australia. Previous: - Chapter Scientist and Contributing Author for the ‘Oceans and Coastal Ecosystems and their Services’ chapter for the IPCC's WGII AR6 (2019-2022) - Tutor for ecological statistics in R at UniSC (2017-2021) - Tutor for animal ecophysiology, marine verteberates, animal conservation, and global-change ecology at UniSC (2018-2019) Research interests: - Seafood sustainability - Food security - Climate change - Dynamic risk adaptation - Planetary health Twitter: @JessieABolin Web:

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