Anjali Gopakumar Australian Marine Sciences Association 2022

Anjali Gopakumar

Anjali Gopakumar is a Cotutelle PhD student, at Macquarie University and University of Bologna (Italy). The general aim of her PhD is to assess the success of restoration in coastal salt marshes. She will be focussing on assessing the restoration response of lesser-known ecosystem function and service indicators such as microbial communities and biogeochemical fluxes in these coastal ecosystems in the Venice lagoon, Italy and in the estuaries of New South Wales, Australia. Prior to her PhD, Anjali completed her Erasmus Mundus Joint Master degree in Marine Biology (IMBRSea) at Ghent University (Belgium), with a fully funded EMJMD scholarship. She also worked as a Research Assistant at the University of Oslo (Norway) for two months, continuing her Master Thesis studies on mercury accumulation in fish from the Northern Barents Sea in the Arctic. Anjali’s diverse research interests also include marine functional biodiversity, trophic interactions in marine food webs and marine conservation.

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