Emma Church Australian Marine Sciences Association 2022

Emma Church

Growing up on the east coast of Australia, the ocean has always been a place of inspiration and respite for me. Experiencing these marine environments as a surfer and diver have shaped my values and career choices. As an environmental social scientist, I have a breadth of experience working across renewable energy, integrated water management and biodiversity conservation. I am currently undertaking a PhD in the faculty of science at UQ ; my research explores how behavioural drivers and social contexts enable people to act for nature. I enjoy working collaboratively with industry, government and communities using applied research to tackle sustainability and conservation challenges. I recently completed an internship with Office of the Queensland Chief Scientist reporting on the State of Science in Queensland. This summer I worked with CSIRO monitoring the Southern Ocean in Antarctica. I have been involved in several science communication and education programs; I have taught people about their brains at music festivals, marine science while sailing and I support ocean based outward-bound style adventures for kids of all ages.

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