Jennifer Skerratt Australian Marine Sciences Association 2022

Jennifer Skerratt

My present research involves modelling the biogeochemistry of coastal areas including environmental scenarios. Examples are modelling and scenarios of nutrients, sediments and pesticides across the Great Barrier Reef, aquaculture impacts and estuarine and coastal biogeochemistry. My earlier research areas have been molecular and chemical analysis of plankton and microbial environments, harmful algal bloom ecology, microbial ecology toxicity and taxonomy. Within the CSIRO Coastal Environmental Modelling (CEM) team whose models are deployed nationally and internationally specifics of my research involves: 1. Integration of catchment model nutrients, pesticides and sediments into the marine eReefs model. 2. Comparison and calibration of models against diverse observations 2. Modelling of water quality, catchments, pesticide impact and management scenarios across the Great Barrier Reef (eReefs) for the Great Barrier Reef Water Quality Report Card. 2. Modelling and scenario analyses of finfish, shellfish and aquaculture industries in Chile (SIMA Austral), Tasmania and South Australia 3. Scenario and sensitivity analysis for management and industry projects 4. Incorporation and analysis of the effect of sewage, storm water, aquaculture and river discharge in estuaries and coastal environments.

Abstracts this author is presenting: